LocationLakeland, FL 33815 Call(863) 213-1290

Where to Find the Top-Quality Ice Cream Store in Town

Planning to hold a kid’s party for your loved ones? If yes, you should be starting your event preparations as early as now. A kid’s party is totally different from adult parties. And it could be a whole lot more challenging to prepare since you have to take into consideration what kids would like to see or eat during the party celebration. Of course, it’s a kids party and you have to make sure that every kid in that party got to enjoy and have fun. Give the kids the best treat by making sure you don’t forget to include ice cream in your list of party desserts to prepare. Drop by at our highly recommended ice cream store today. Here are the special offers to check out at Dr Freeze Inc.

Ice Cream for Events and Parties

Enjoy your special events fully with exciting desserts on your table. If you are searching for an ice cream deliverer in town, make the right decision and hire us today at Dr Freeze Inc. We serve extra-special frozen desserts in parties and events. Call us now!

Ice Cream Truck Delivery

Our frozen desserts delivery service is well-known to residential and commercial clients all around Lakeland, FL. With loyal clients all around the area, we make sure to utilize high-tech vehicle equipment and make sure that our ice cream products stay fresh from the freezer.

Ice cream Catering Service

Don’t hesitate to hold an ice cream party by partnering with our professional catering team. Once you get to know our prices and rates, you’ll never be able to turn down our offers! Consult with our professional team now!

As a well-known ice cream distributor in town, we always make sure that our ice cream products are specially made and processed to satisfy our valued clients. Visit us today in Lakeland, FL or give us a call at (863) 213-1290 for further inquiries!

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